

Forthcoming event , CALLED TO HOPE, 27 – 30 March 2025, at the Focolare Centre for Unity, Welwyn Garden City.
An Ecumenical gathering with guest speaker Bishop Trevor Williams of the Corrymeela Community. Booking available. Click for full details. (PDF, 870k)

Our Advent 2024 resource file was well-used and the link to it remains here for those who did not see it.

We are pleased to announce that Dawn Savidge has been appointed as the new Facilitator for Churches Together in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.

She writes:

Hey everyone, I’m Dawn, thrilled to be the Ecumenical Facilitator for Churches Together in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire! I’m eager to support their vibrant congregations.

A little about myself: I’m an ordained Baptist minister, but my experience extends beyond that. I’ve enjoyed collaborating across denominations and faiths over the years – it’s been an enriching journey. My creative side is also strong – I’m an artist, teacher, and enjoy taking on commissions. In fact, creativity is a cornerstone of my approach.

This creative spirit extends to my work leading retreats and mindfulness workshops, where I use art to facilitate spiritual exploration. Additionally, I’m a seasoned preacher, so feel free to reach out if you ever have a pulpit to fill.

Beyond Churches Together, I have the privilege of serving as Director of Affirm, the Baptist LGBTQ+ group. I am the tutor for the Inclusion of LGBTQ+ people at Northern Baptist College. In these roles, I help churches navigate conversations around human sexuality, as well as broader intersectional inclusion. We work together to discern their theological positions and create safe spaces for everyone.

At the College, I also serve as a tutor for Inclusion of young adults and am piloting an internship. I’m currently training to be a pastoral supervisor, and I also hold training in community organising with Citizens UK.

Building strong ecumenical relationships and working together to create a more just world is a deep passion of mine. I’m excited to get stuck in!

Contact email address : facilitator@ctherts.org.uk

Chair: Revd David Chapman

Churches Together in Hertfordshire unites in pilgrimage those churches in the area which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord according to the Scriptures, and in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit themselves:
To seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another
in the Church, which is his body; and
To fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world:

To the glory of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Facilitator: Dawn Savidge