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Welcome to the website for Churches Together in Hertfordshire. We are a registered charity, No. 1117022.

Who are we?

Churches Together in Hertfordshire  are Christians who seek to fulfil the vision of Jesus for his followers at regional level in Hertfordshire. We work across the county, supporting every kind of activity that aims to achieve the goal of Christian unity. Prayer is central to all we do as Christians and click here to download our Prayer Calendar for 2022.


Why are we here?

Our aim is to do all we can to bring about the unity Jesus prayed for the night before he died, when he asked his Father that his followers should be one (Jn 17:11, 21-23).

Everybody is called to follow him, so all are called to be one.

We support local Churches Together groups, Local Ecumenical Partnerships and other types of Local Co-operative Working where unity in mission strives to transform villages, towns or communities with the love of Christ.  We are open to any who wish to work to fulfil Jesus’ vision.

We also help to signpost people to events happening around the county, please  click here to see the current calendar of events.

The unity of Christians is a key part of fulfilling Jesus vision for the church, a unity, which Jesus died for us to have with God the Father and with one another, unity is God’s plan for the whole human race.

Below are our official aims as well as some ideas that have been useful and that have encouraged the growth of Christian unity. There is also a description of some aspects of our work setting out some of the structures that have proved useful. We also hope also to reach out to any who do not necessarily wish to join in with these structures in a direct fashion but who wish to work for Jesus’ vision of unity.

Please join us to pray and work for unity in Hertfordshire.

Churches Together in Hertfordshire’s official objects and aims are:

  1. To advance the Christian religion through;
  • facilitating common witness to the Christian Religion by member churches; and
  • working for Christian unity; and
  • offering advice and guidance to those running schools connected with member churches.
  1. To relieve financial hardship anywhere in the world by making grants from funds raised either directly by the group or by co-ordinated fundraising efforts by member churches.

We carry out these aims through our relationships with:

  • Churches Together in England (CTE) as an intermediate body
  • Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs)
  • Local Churches Together (CT) groups.
  • Other ecumenical organisations across Hertfordshire.

The denominations of the Christian Church that are members of CTHerts are:

  • The Central Baptist Association
  • The Church of England (Diocese of St Albans)
  • The Methodist Church – (Bedfordshire., Essex and Hertfordshire District)
  • The United Reformed Church – (North Thames and East Midlands Provinces)
  • The Roman Catholic Church (Archdiocese of Westminster)
  • The Salvation Army (Central South and London North East Divisions)
  • The Religious Society of Friends
  • The Coptic Orthodox Church

Our work is based on the following fundamental ecumenical principles:

Should not our Churches ask themselves … whether they should not act together in all matters except those in which deep differences of conviction compel them to act separately? –  the Lund Question

Churches should not do on their own what they can do with the community – the Corby Principle

There is no virtue in churches doing things together which they ought not to be doing anyway – the Nottingham Challenge

This means that instead of doing ecumenical things, Christians and churches should try to do things ecumenically, in particular, to try to do things together which are already a part of their normal life, to share a common life, both in church and in community.

Website and Privacy Policy

This website is provided as a public resource. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy, but we cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions or for any conclusions drawn from, or action  taken as a result of material lodged here. Images used are either copyright to officers of Churches Together in Herts or are in the public domain.

Please click here for CT Herts Privacy Policy

Links to our partner organisations

Churches Together in England

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

The newsletter of Churches Together in England

World Council of Churches

Chair: Revd David Chapman

Churches Together in Hertfordshire unites in pilgrimage those churches in the area which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord according to the Scriptures, and in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit themselves:
To seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another
in the Church, which is his body; and
To fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world:

To the glory of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Facilitator: Currently vacant